What is Fascia?
I am pleased to offer Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) to my clients. I have been receiving this treatment since 2019, and I have never felt better, so I asked my therapist to mentor me, which he did for the last two years, while I studied MFR through books and videos. In 2022, I was able to attend MFR I training and receive my certification through the John Barnes Institute.
So what is fascia, anyway? Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. This tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. By working with the fascia, a therapist is able to correct the twists and blockages that occur from daily activities, as well as injuries.
Think of fascia as a giant spider web that connects everything in your body. Because everything is connected, every part of the body affects every other part. This is why the holistic approach to health and wellness is so important. Just treating the apparent injury does not necessarily take care of the problem. Recently, I was having issues with my ankle. Because I have studied the fascia system, I knew that even though the pain was in my ankle, the source of the pain wasn't the ankle itself, because I hadn’t done anything to injure it. My therapist worked on my legs, hips, pelvis, back and neck, and I could feel the pain in my ankle whenever he worked on another part of my body. By the time he finished, my ankle was no longer in pain, though he spent very little time working with the ankle itself.
I am continuing my MFR training in 2023 with John F. Barnes and his team of skilled instructors. I am so grateful to be able to help my clients with chronic pain and injuries through this life-changing technique. Thank you for trusting me to help you on your wellness journey!
For more information about Myofascial Release therapy, visit: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/about/
I am pleased to offer Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) to my clients. I have been receiving this treatment since 2019, and I have never felt better, so I asked my therapist to mentor me, which he did for the last two years, while I studied MFR through books and videos. In 2022, I was able to attend MFR I training and receive my certification through the John Barnes Institute.
So what is fascia, anyway? Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. This tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. By working with the fascia, a therapist is able to correct the twists and blockages that occur from daily activities, as well as injuries.
Think of fascia as a giant spider web that connects everything in your body. Because everything is connected, every part of the body affects every other part. This is why the holistic approach to health and wellness is so important. Just treating the apparent injury does not necessarily take care of the problem. Recently, I was having issues with my ankle. Because I have studied the fascia system, I knew that even though the pain was in my ankle, the source of the pain wasn't the ankle itself, because I hadn’t done anything to injure it. My therapist worked on my legs, hips, pelvis, back and neck, and I could feel the pain in my ankle whenever he worked on another part of my body. By the time he finished, my ankle was no longer in pain, though he spent very little time working with the ankle itself.
I am continuing my MFR training in 2023 with John F. Barnes and his team of skilled instructors. I am so grateful to be able to help my clients with chronic pain and injuries through this life-changing technique. Thank you for trusting me to help you on your wellness journey!
For more information about Myofascial Release therapy, visit: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/about/
Get in touch with your body's Natural Energy System. Reiki helps you to to heal yourself.Let's break down the meaning of the word "Reiki," into two parts. "Rei," meaning spiritual wisdom, or connection to Divine, and "Ki," meaning life energy. During a Reiki session, I ask my clients to think of things that make them happy and connected to their Higher Power, whatever their individual religious or spiritual beliefs may be.
When we disconnect the mind from stressful thoughts and emotions, we can feel completely at ease, which is the absence of dis-ease. Once your energy is at a high level, and flowing freely, your body is able to use that energy to heal itself. While my client is doing his/her part by being in a state of high energy, I am doing the same, allowing my high level of energy to flow freely through me and assist my client in increasing the flow of his/her energy. Western medicine looks at the body like a mechanic looks at an engine: individual parts, components and systems. This has value when dealing with trauma or emergencies, but isn't the most effective way to approach wellness. Reiki is a Japanese modality, which looks at the body as a whole, understanding that all of the parts and systems are interconnected. When I apply Reiki techniques to one area of the body, the energy flows to wherever it is needed, allowing the body to use the energy as it sees fit. This allows for physical, emotional and energetic healing. |
What is Vibrational Attunement and how does it work?
Everything is energy, and all energies have frequencies. When we experience different emotions, we resonate at different levels. Think about how you feel when you're excited - this is a high frequency. Your heart rate may increase and you can actually feel the energy buzzing through your body, sometimes causing you to visibly shake. Now think about when you're tired or not feeling well. You may not even have enough energy to get out of bed, because your frequency is so low.
Maybe you have heard the term "aura," which is another term for the life force energy that surrounds your body. Think of a time when you suddenly felt unsafe in an environment, maybe when someone walked into a room and it gave you a "bad vibe." This is an example of your energetic filed picking up on the frequencies that were surrounding it. This triggers the fight, flight or freeze response, which is biologically intrinsic to every living creature. You don't consciously know why you feel this way, but your body detects danger, and your natural instinct is to respond in one of these ways.
Now let's say that you were physically or emotionally injured by someone or something at some point in your life. Your conscious mind will find a way to "deal with it," but your body remembers the injury. This is what happens with PTSD. When something happens that triggers the body that there is danger, perhaps a sound, a smell or someone who reminds you of a person who once caused harm to you, your energy field picks up on it as way to protect you. A person suffering with this can look around and recognize that there is no physical danger, but the subconscious reacts as if there is.
By using tuning forks, which are programmed to specific resonance frequencies, I am able to interrupt the low energies of emotions which are stuck in your plasma, or energetic field. These energies may be from a recent trauma, or may have been from something that you don't even remember because it happened when you were a baby. Your body remembers, and it's stored in your energetic field. The sound frequency of the tuning fork is used to disrupt the stuck energy, thereby allowing the frequency to be altered.
My clients have had experiences of feeling as though a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. Many have reported feeling a noticeable "lightness" and feelings of peace and ease following a session. In each session, more energy is cleared from your auric field, which allows your energy to feel more balanced, which contributes to your wellness. A body which is in a state of stress is prone to illness and injury. Have you ever noticed how when you are having a bad day, everything seems to go wrong? This is a state of dis-ease, which is one of the most important factors in causing a body to succumb to illness.
Maybe you have heard the term "aura," which is another term for the life force energy that surrounds your body. Think of a time when you suddenly felt unsafe in an environment, maybe when someone walked into a room and it gave you a "bad vibe." This is an example of your energetic filed picking up on the frequencies that were surrounding it. This triggers the fight, flight or freeze response, which is biologically intrinsic to every living creature. You don't consciously know why you feel this way, but your body detects danger, and your natural instinct is to respond in one of these ways.
Now let's say that you were physically or emotionally injured by someone or something at some point in your life. Your conscious mind will find a way to "deal with it," but your body remembers the injury. This is what happens with PTSD. When something happens that triggers the body that there is danger, perhaps a sound, a smell or someone who reminds you of a person who once caused harm to you, your energy field picks up on it as way to protect you. A person suffering with this can look around and recognize that there is no physical danger, but the subconscious reacts as if there is.
By using tuning forks, which are programmed to specific resonance frequencies, I am able to interrupt the low energies of emotions which are stuck in your plasma, or energetic field. These energies may be from a recent trauma, or may have been from something that you don't even remember because it happened when you were a baby. Your body remembers, and it's stored in your energetic field. The sound frequency of the tuning fork is used to disrupt the stuck energy, thereby allowing the frequency to be altered.
My clients have had experiences of feeling as though a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. Many have reported feeling a noticeable "lightness" and feelings of peace and ease following a session. In each session, more energy is cleared from your auric field, which allows your energy to feel more balanced, which contributes to your wellness. A body which is in a state of stress is prone to illness and injury. Have you ever noticed how when you are having a bad day, everything seems to go wrong? This is a state of dis-ease, which is one of the most important factors in causing a body to succumb to illness.
All sessions by Appointment Only!
920-579-2423 for booking
*Please try to book at least 24 hours in advance - I cannot guarantee same day appointments, but I will do my best, especially if you have pain/injury.
*Appointments canceled/rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance will be subject to a 20% cancellation fee. If I have reserved a time for you, I have not made that time available for someone else. Thank You!
920-579-2423 for booking
*Please try to book at least 24 hours in advance - I cannot guarantee same day appointments, but I will do my best, especially if you have pain/injury.
*Appointments canceled/rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance will be subject to a 20% cancellation fee. If I have reserved a time for you, I have not made that time available for someone else. Thank You!